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Steps To Disable Your Ad blocker

Like many other services, we rely solely on advertisements to fund the cost of the free plan; without them, free plans will not be possible. As such, we require all users to whitelist Falix when using our services. Although it is possible to disable your ad blocker globally, it is not recommended as it may risk your safety and privacy on other websites.

Failure to comply with the above will lead to an account suspension.


Some browsers have a built in ad blocker, to disable them follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Falix Dashboard.
  2. Locate address bar at the top of the webpage, it should contain https://client.falixnodes.net/ in it.
  3. Look for a shield or padlock icon in or around it and click on it.
  4. A popup should appear, click or set the button or a toggle switch to whitelist or pause on the current domain or webpage.
  5. Reload the page to allow changes to take effect.

If the popup persists, try temporarily disabling your privacy and tracking blockers to check if it’s causing the issue. We recommend clearing your browser’s cache and cookies to make sure there are no cache conflicts.


Extensions are add-ons you can install in your browser to perform a certain task. The steps to whitelist a website may be different depending on each extension; however, the general steps can be found below:

  1. Near the top address bar, look for the extensions button, which often has a jigsaw icon. Click on it to expand it.
  2. Locate the ad block extension and click it.
  3. Look for a whitelist or disable for the current page or domain button; it can also be in the form of a toggle.
  4. Reload the page to allow changes to take effect.

We recommend clearing your browser’s cache and cookies to make sure there are no cache conflicts.

If you still encounter the issue, try accessing the website through incognito or private mode. If it works, try the following:

  1. Depending on your browser, expand the extensions button and click on manage extensions.
  2. You will be redirected to a page with a list of your extensions, disable them all.
  3. Enable one extension at a time while checking if the popup re-appears. If it does then it is the culprit.


In some cases, the Domain Name System (DNS), Virtual Private Network (VPN) or proxy may block advertisements. DNS, VPNs and proxies have three different scope levels:

  • Browser only; often built into the browser or accessed through an extension.
  • Device wide; usually set in the device’s settings or provided by an application.
  • Router level.

We recommend checking through each type and making sure it isn’t the cause of the issue.

In very rare cases, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may block certain advertisements or websites on their end. Although very unlikely you can check this by using a VPN without an ad blocker.

Hosts File

Desktop operating systems such as Windows, MacOS and Linux have a hosts file. This file’s primary function is to map hostnames to IP addresses, however this may also be used to block IP addresses just like the firewall.

    1. Press on the Windows key or open the Windows menu through the taskbar at the bottom.
    2. Search for “Notepad” and run it as administrator.
    3. In the top navigation bar, click on “File” then navigate to “Open”.
    4. Navigate to the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc folder.
    5. Click on the “hosts” file then click on “Open”.
    1. Open the Finder.
    2. Look for and open the terminal app.
    3. Type in the following command and press enter:
       sudo nano/private/etc/hosts
    1. Open the terminal
    2. Type in the following command and press enter:
       sudo nano/private/etc/hosts

Ensure none of the IP addresses are mapped to an invalid or local IP such as or If you make any changes make sure to save them and restart your device for good measure.