The FalixNodes Knowledge Base

Changing your Server Icon

The server icon is a great way to customize your server with a unique icon visible in the multiplayer server list. Not only will it help grab players’ attention, but it will also make your server stand out.

:scissors: Preparing a Server Icon

Due to limitations, icons must be in the .png format and to avoid stretching or compressing the image, an image of size 64 by 64 pixels must be used. You may use any tool or software to achieve this, however in this article we will be using Casper’s Server Icon Maker.

Since the image is in the .png format, transparency is supported.

  1. Go to Casper’s Server Icon Maker.

  2. To upload your server icon, click on “Upload”, then select your icon.

  3. Once your icon has been uploaded, ensure it looks as wanted on the preview provided.

  4. Click on “Download” to download your server icon.

  5. Ensure the image has server-icon.png as it’s name.

:framed_picture: Applying It to the Server

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.

  2. Choose a server within your server list.

  3. You will be redirected to your server’s Console page. In the top navigation bar, hover over “Manage” then navigate to the File Manager.

  4. Click on the “Upload Files” button and select the previously generated icon.

  5. Navigate back to the Console page and (re)start your server to apply your icon.