The FalixNodes Knowledge Base

Installing and Configuring Simple Voice Chat

Simple voice chat Icon Simple voice chat

Software: Fabric, Forge, Quilt, NeoForge


:studio_microphone: What Is Simple Voice Chat?

Simple Voice Chat is a plugin and mod that introduces proximity-based voice chat. It allows players to communicate with each other in-game. It also has a variety of addons that offer additional features. Simple Voice Chat requires you to have the mod installed on your client, which is only available on the Java Edition of Minecraft. If you don’t have it installed on your client, you can still join the server, but you won’t be able to use the voice chat features.

:hammer_and_wrench: Installation and Configuration:


  • Ensure your server is running with either Fabric or Forge or any of their forks (Quilt & NeoForge respectively).
  • Your server must have at least one unused extra port or in other words, a forwarded port. If you wish to allocate an extra port, please follow our extra ports guide.
  • Make sure players have the mod installed locally.


We already have a guide on how to install Simple Voice Chat as well as any other mod in our Adding Mods guide.


  1. Once again, navigate back to the File Manager by hovering over “Manage”, then clicking on “File Manager”.

  2. Locate and open the config folder.

  3. A new folder called voicechat should have generated. Open it to access the newly generated configuration files.

  4. Find and open “”. This is the main configuration file where you will be able to customize any feature needed.

  5. Look for the port= setting and set it to your server’s unused extra port. This will be the port your voice chat will be hosted on.

    If you require assistance creating or finding your extra ports, refer to our extra ports guide.

  6. Click on “Save File” to save your changes.

  7. (Re)start your server to apply the changes.