The FalixNodes Knowledge Base

How to Create a Server

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.

  2. In the top navigation bar, click on Create Server.

  3. Scroll down to “Create Server” and input the respective values into each field. Please refer to the table below:

    Field Description
    Server Name Any clear, identifiable name. Only you are able to view this. This can always be changed later
    Game Choose a game from the drop-down list; if your game is not listed, select “All other games”
    Server Domain A unique, identifiable name. All players on your server will use this to connect to your server. This can also be changed later
    Location This is where your server will be hosted. For best latency select the closest location to you and your players
  4. Ensure you tick and agree to the Minecraft End User License Agreement (EULA).

Your server has been created!