The FalixNodes Knowledge Base

Connecting and Joining Your Server

This article is available for both Minecraft editions: Java icon


Bedrock icon


Starting Your Server

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.

  2. Scroll down and choose a server, then click on “Play”.

  3. You will be redirected to your server’s Console page. Click on the green “Start” button at the bottom of the console to turn on your server.

    Once the status indicator above the console changes from “Starting” to “Online”, your server should be on!

  4. Beside the status indicator, copy the string of characters after “Server IP:” that should look like This is your server address, which we will use to connect to your server.

    If you wish to use an alternate address, or if the above does not work, click on “how to connect” to view an alternate IP.

Joining Your Server

  1. Launch and open Minecraft.

  2. Once the main menu appears, click on “Multiplayer”.

  3. On the bottom right, click on “Add Server”.

  4. In the “Server Name” field, give the server a clear and identifiable name, only you will be able to view this.

  5. In the “Server Address” field, paste in the address we copied before.

  6. Once everything is completed, click on “Done”.

  7. Double click on your server to join it. Alternatively you may select a server and click on the “Join Server” button on the bottom left.