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Adding Custom Worlds and Portals With Multiverse

Multiverse-core Icon Multiverse-core

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What Is Multiverse?

Multiverse is a world management plugin that provides multi-world support, with the ability to set custom seeds, generation, game mode and much more on a per-world basis. You can use both commands and custom portals to teleport between your worlds, with the ability to restrict each world to a set permission.



  • Ensure your server is running with Spigot or any of its forks (Paper, Purpur, etc).


We already have a guide on how to install Multiverse-core as well as any other plugin in our Adding Plugins guide.

Adding Worlds:

    1. Upload your world folder by following our World Management Guide.

      You may use any name without spaces as the folder name. This will be used as the world name in-game.

    2. Navigate back to the Console.

    3. To import the world into Multiverse, type the command below in the console. Make sure to replace <world_name> with the name of the world folder you uploaded, and <type> with a world type.

       /mvimport <world_name> <type>

      Some examples of world types are: NORMAL, NETHER, THE_END. To find a list of all available world types run mvenv in the console.

    4. Run the command.

    1. Log in to the Dashboard.

    2. Choose a server within your server list.

    3. You will be redirected to your server’s Console page. To generate a new world using Multiverse, type the following command in the console while replacing all placeholder values by referring to the table:

       /mvcreate <world_name> <type> (-parameters)
      Placeholder Description
      <world_name> The name of the world without any spaces
      <type> The world type. Some options are: NORMAL, NETHER, THE_END
      (-parameters) Optional parameters. You may refer to the official wiki for more information

      To find a list of all available world types run mvenv in the console.

    4. Run the command and allow the world to generate (this can take a while).

To teleport to your world, use the /mvtp <world_name> command.

Creating Custom Portals Between Worlds:

Before proceeding, you will need to install the Multiverse-Portals add-on. You will also need a permission management plugin as only players with the multiverse.portal.access.<world_name> or multiverse.portal.access.* permission will be able to use these portals.

  1. In-game, give yourself operator permissions or use a permission plugin and give yourself the necessary permissions.

  2. Create a portal frame out of any blocks, this can either be a horizontal portal or vertical.

  3. select your portal by left-clicking on a corner of the portal with a wooden axe and right-clicking on the corner farthest away.

  4. Type the command below in chat while replacing all placeholder values, you may refer to the table for more information.

    /mvp create <portal_name> <parameter>
    Placeholder Description
    <portal_name> The name of the portal without any spaces
    <parameter> - w:world_name:se to link to another world’s spawn (replace world_name with the actual world name)
      - e:world_name:X,Y,Z to link to an exact location in another world (replace world_name and X, Y, Z with the actual world name and coordinates)
      - p:portal_name to link to another portal (replace portal_name with the actual portal name)
  5. Run the command to create a portal and automatically select it.

To modify existing portals simply run /mvp select <portal_name> to select the portal, and /mvp modify dest <parameter> to change its destination. The parameters from the previous table will also work for this command.